I was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain but I grew up in a multicultural family with a Catalan dad and a Japanese mom. I therefore consider myself neither one nor the other, but both.

My whole family: dad, mom, and both sisters. I'm the middle one.

My parents met while studying college in Washington, U.S. which is why I grew up speaking four languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, and Catalan. 

My parent's wedding was celebrated in a Japanese temple close to Mount Fuji.
My dad's last name is Pitxot. That side of the family consists of a line of artists, from painters to writers.

My dad as a baby, my grandmother, and my grandfather.
My parents chose this name based on the Japanese character, the child, from the Ghibli movie "My Neighbor Totoro." 

Myself on the age of one.
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